Dear Friends,
Below is an e-mail update that R and J sent out yesterday evening.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Dear Friends,
As many of you are aware, last week we were told that in addition to not being able to see, Sierra Rose would probably never be able to walk or talk. We have been in much prayer over this and believe that the Lord does not want us to give up on our precious little one.
After doing research, R found out about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT HBOT is a pressurized chamber in which patients receive 100% oxygen. While in the hyperbaric chamber, the oxygen molecules are pushed closer together allowing the red blood cells to carry more concentrated oxygen. Some of the oxygen is able to dissolve into the plasma which can get into areas where the red blood cells cannot.
In some instances, HBOT can help brain tissue grow and rejuvenate brain cells. We began calling places that offer HBOT and all of them say that since Sierra is still very young, there is greater chance that this might be beneficial for the development of her brain. The family is all in agreement that this should be tried. We realize that God is in control, and we want His will to be done. Whatever the outcome, we will still praise Him and give Him the glory.
Initially, Sierra will need 40 treatments. We are going to take her to San Antonio Hyperbarics ( which is just north of San Antonio. The treatments will be given to her twice a day, 5 days a week. She will begin on February 4.
Sierra's blog will contain updated information on how things are going. Once again thank you for your continued prayers.
In Christ, J and R F
Prayer Requests:
-Please pray that God will use the therapy in Sierra's life to bring glory to His name
-Please pray for R and Sierra as they spend the time in San Antonio and for their drive back and forth on the weekends (also for S, M, and D as they will be spending part of the time with them.)
-Please pray for J as he holds down the fort at home while his wife and daughter are away.