Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update December 11, 2007

Yes, I'm finally posting an update on Sierra Rose.

Here's the current information regarding Sierra:

-Doctors removed her external tube and installed something they call a button. This is a feeding valve that protrudes from Sierra's stomach. It is much less cumbersome than the tube with the container at the end.

-The good news is that Sierra hasn't had to use this valve. She has been drinking from bottle.

-Sierra has been drinking very well--and she has the weight gain to prove it. The last I heard, she weighed 10 pounds and a few ounces.

-Sierra's doctors want to keep the valve in for a few months. From what R understood, swallowing is a reflex for young babies. After about 3 months of age it becomes voluntary and isn't a reflex anymore. They need to make sure that she will swallow voluntarily before removing the valve.

-Sierra's next ophthalmologist appointment is in March.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you for asking how Sierra Rose is doing. She will be 3 months old next week. I'll try to post a current photograph to the blogsite later this week or early next week.
